Official site of the
National Scout & Guide Fellowship of Australia
About Us
The International Scout and Guide Fellowship has 56 full member countries and 5 associate members. Each of these countries is represented by a 'National Scout and Guide Fellowship'. Australia's Fellowship is the National Scout and Guide Fellowship of Australia and was accepted as a full member in 1961.
The Aims of the International Scout and Guide Fellowship are to encourage its members ...
to personally keep alive the spirit of the Promise and Law as laid down by Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of the Scout and Guide Movements,
to bring that spirit into the communities in which they live and work, and
to actively support Scouting and Guiding in these communities, in their countries and worldwide.
NSGFA represents four constituent organisations:
Baden-Powell Scout Guild of Australia.
Trefoil Guild of Australia.
St Georges Guilds in Australia Inc.
Scouts Western Australia Fellowship.
The NSGFA Executive is the administrative body and consists of 3 representatives from the Baden-Powell Scout Guild and 3 representatives from the Trefoil Guild.
The Executive is rotated to a different State every 3 years.
How to Join
The Trefoil Guild is open to any adult female who has, or is prepared to, make the Guide Promise and endeavour to live by it. There are Trefoil Guilds in all Australian States and Territories.
B-P Guild accepts male and female adults who have been Scouts or Guides and those willing to accept the aims and principles of ISGF. There are B-P Guilds in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia.
St Georges Guild accept male and female adults who have been Scouts and Guides. This Guild currently operates near Ryde in Sydney NSW.
The Scouts Western Australia Fellowship is open to former Scout Association Members and former Leaders.
To contact any of the above organisations, please e-mail